
On-demand technical help for scientists by experts

Yakir Gagnon – Research Engineer

Elevate research by building pipelines for raw data → analysis → statistics → reports


Programming: Julia Python Matlab R > C++ Haskell SQL

Tools: *unix Mac Windows AWS git Vim LaTeX TikZ PGF beamer reveal Adobe CS Gimp Inkscape Pandoc ImageMagick FFMPEG ssh screen pdftk parallel i3wm

Statistics: Experimental design, descriptive statistics, parametric and non-parametric hypothesis tests, bootstrapping, power tests, dimensionality reduction, clustering, time series, multivariate stats, Gaussian mixture models, generalized linear mixed models, circular stats, basic understanding of Bayesian methods

Algorithm Design: Sampling and managing data, designing, prototyping, and implementing algorithms, numerical analysis, optimizations, Monte Carlo simulations, ray tracing, memory allocation procedures, parallel computing, glue-code, image and video analysis

Languages: Native/fluent in English, Swedish, and Hebrew


CEO and Founder, DataSturgeon Ltd

2017–now Malmö, Sweden

Research Software Engineer, Beacon Biosignals

2022–-2023 remote

Research Engineer & Researcher, Lund University

2019–-2022 Lund, Sweden

Researcher, University of Queensland

2013–-2016 Queensland, Australia

Researcher, Duke University

2010–-2013 Durham, NC, USA


Ph.D. Integrative Zoology

2006–-2010 Lund University Awarded the Venture Cup Southern Sweden, Fokus Verifiering, Innovation Prize, and Venture Cup Research Challenge for discovering a promising functional advantage for multifocal lenses inspired by nature

MSc Marine Biology

2002–2006 Lund University

Want to know more?

+46 (0)728 379 – more than 50 ⋆ in GitHub – more than 20 publications in ORCiDLinkedIn